Monday, June 29, 2015

The Weekday Woes: Starting Your Week on the Right Foot

Image courtesy of Google Images
Happy Monday!! 
It's the start of another week, and soon the start of a new month. What are some things you are doing in order to start off on the right note? I will be finishing up the majority of my summer classes in the next couple weeks and so getting my organization down to a science is one of the top things on my to do list. Below are some tips for starting your week/month off on the right foot! 

Tidy up that Inbox
Somewhere, I was told that highly functioning individuals have 12 or less emails in their main inbox. So there's somewhere that I like to start on Monday mornings. It's also a good spot to start if you're like me and you like to ignore your emails all weekend, meanwhile Spotify, Express, Victoria's Secret and Groupon have overflowed your inbox with countless hours of things you should not be tempting yourself with. Don't worry, you're not alone. Unsubscribing also doesn't work for me, they never end.

Make Your Bed!
The real way. I'm talking decorative pillows and a throw, and making it really look like a hotel bed. At the end of your day, you're gonna love crawling in to snuggle under those freshly made sheets. For some reason, it is much more satisfying. 

Sort the Laundry
This is something where I should really practice what I preach... When I was growing up my parents were pretty good about having three laundry baskets, one for colors, one for whites and one for towels. Simple system, made doing laundry a snag easier. Also, it kept the laundry up off the floor and even it was dirty, it had its place and could be dealt with accordingly in due time. Boom. 

Make a to-do list 
I have a note pad that stays open on my desktop, but occasionally I will make a physical post it note list of tasks to complete by the end of the day. I make sure that at any one time my to do list doesn't have more than 5 incomplete tasks on it. You can always add to it after you tackle a couple of things. This also gives you a tangible and realistic set of things to tackle throughout the day, therefore increasing your feelings of productivity. Plus, it feels nice to cross things off. 

Make a commitment to eat more fruit and veggies
I tell you what, there is something about summer that makes me crave fruit and veggies (mostly strawberries, pineapple and sweet corn). It's almost constant. For starters, it's so good for your body.  It is feel-good-food, and is actually more satisfying than a snickers bar (especially on a hot day). Not only does it actually fuel your body, citrus fruit aromas actually enhance your mood and make you feel more energized. I used a face wash in the mornings for a long time that had citrus infusions that were intended to wake you up and get you going. 

Clean out your [bag]
Your wallet, your purse, backpack, tote has likely been collecting things over the last month[s] that are no longer needed or necessary to stay in that spot. A great way to start off the new month organized is by cleaning out the old things that you no longer need. Everything should have it's place: either in the trash, in a file, or stored wherever is appropriate. It is a really refreshing feeling opening your bag and seeing that it is nice and organized. You will also be able to find things more easily without having to dig around gum wrappers, junk mail, and phone charger cords... 
or maybe that's just me!

If you have not had a chance to check out the 30 day Challenge make sure to take a peek here :

There has been a really great response of people participating and spreading awareness about the topic. This challenge is for anyone, regardless of whether or not mental illness plays a role in your life. It is all about promoting a positive sense of self! Make sure to follow @ThePsychologySpot on Instagram so I can follow along and see your posts with the hashtag #PsychSpotChallenge 

Hope you all are having a great start to your Monday! Until next time... 

Friday, June 19, 2015

30 Day Challenge - Mental Health Awareness and a Positive Sense of Self

Do you have Instagram? Are you following The Psychology Spot on Instagram? If you aren't you should, this is a challenge you will definitely want to be a part of!

This 30 day challenge is all about promoting your well-being and inspiring others to do the same. Instagram is a great tool for sharing pictures from your daily life, and giving others a glimpse into what makes you, you! There is a lot of stigma associated with mental health and so I figured this would be a great way to embrace yourself, regardless of whether or not mental illness plays a role in your life. It's all about raising awareness!

Mental Health Illnesses are said to affect 1 out of every 4 people, many who go untreated or are unaware. The biggest contributor to people not seeking out help is the stigma associated with mental health. As an aspiring therapist, this is a barrier that I'll be facing and so this is also something that I want to advocate for. This "challenge" is all about embracing yourself by promoting a positive and healthy sense of self while focusing on all of the great things you are!

Use the hashtag #psychspotchallenge to take part in the fun!
@ThePsychologySpot #PsychSpotChallenge

Day 1: How did you relax today?
Day 2: What role does music play in your life?
Day 3: Favorite "Thinking Spot"
Day 4: Your biggest supporter - could be a person or something else
Day 5: What was the highlight of your day
Day 6: Your biggest accomplishment
Day 7: Advice for people suffering from mental illness
Day 8: a picture of your favorite animal
Day 9: How do you feel inspired?
Day 10: What is a coping skill you use when you're upset?
Day 11: A picture of you with your best friend(s)
Day 12: Selfie Awareness : Your favorite thing about your self/your best strength
Day 13: What are some of your talents?
Day 14: Who is your role model?
Day 15: One word (or thing) to describe yourself
Day 16: a picture of a goal you have
Day 17: Tell yourself a positive self-affirmation, what was it? (Think of it as an honest compliment you tell yourself)
Day 18: How do you feel motivated?
Day 19: What is your favorite way to treat yourself (This could be material, emotional, physical, etc)?
Day 20: What did you spend most of your time today doing?
Day 21: How did you have fun today?
Day 22: Your favorite activity to do
Day 23: What has been your biggest challenge in life so far?
Day 24: How did you overcome that challenge or intend to overcome that challenge? (From Day 23)
Day 25: What are some of the things you love about yourself?
Day 26: A picture of your favorite memory (or something that relates to it)
Day 27: Something that never fails to make you smile
Day 28: What are you passionate about?
Day 29: What's your favorite way to help another person who needs "cheered up"?
Day 30: How do you raise mental health awareness?

Can't wait to see your posts! Make sure to use the #PsychSpotChallenge
See you on IG! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Empowering Your Inner Goddess Weekend Retreat

Something that I've found important as a full-time student and at times full-time worker is to find a balance and to set aside time for self-care. This summer I'm taking 5 classes. One is a full summer class, three are 8 week courses during the first half of the summer, and there is one other that is the second half of the summer. I am working anywhere from 10-20 hours a week in addition to coursework. Also, this seems to be the summer for weddings. I think between Matt and myself we have 6 or 7 weddings, so the summer is very busy!

Self-care is important for everyone to engage in. It's different for everyone and there's no limit to what you can do. It does have to be beneficial for the individual involved and usually involves some kind of relaxation. This past weekend I did some self-care of my own. My best friend's mom is involved in the healing arts, and her and three of her friends in similar fields put together an "Empowering Your Inner Goddess Retreat". It. Was. Amazing. The retreat was an all-day Saturday retreat that took place at "Angel's Landing."

The retreat started with a group of about 15 women sitting in a big circle. We started by stating our intentions for the day; who we are, why we decided to be there, where we are from, and a little something extra about ourselves. We then drew a card from a deck that was passed around by one of the group leaders, with a message intended for us. The group started with many of us not knowing each other, or knowing a couple others in the group. Carol and the other "Goddess Gals" are involved in the healing arts, and by that I mean, Reiki, mediumship, massage therapy, angel readings, etc. Throughout the day the goal was all about empowerment and bonding with other likeminded women. The group started off a little unsure of what to expect, and unfamiliar with each other, but throughout the day we formed friendships and all became really close.

Throughout the day we discussed a variety of topics. We wrote letters to ourselves that we will receive in a years time where we wrote down where we are at in life, one word to describe ourselves, what we want to see in ourselves in a years time, and three people we are close with and the relationships we have with them. We discussed mindful eating and discussed organic vs. conventional food/GMOs. We learned about angel readings and some of us learned how to give angel readings with an angel card deck we were given (these were something I've known about and had since I was 12), and how to belly dance (again, empowering your inner goddess and embracing your sensuality). We created a finger labyrinth (if you are unfamiliar with that, take a second to look it up. Very ancient and very cool). We took a spiritual journey which involved meditating and envisioning our own versions of a story that was told by Carol, followed by time for us to journal. We ended the evening by drawing a final card from a deck created by Rita Loyd with a message for us to follow by.

At the beginning of the day when I drew my first card there were two cards stuck together and so I ended up with two: Be fair with yourself and Trust yourself. At the end of the day Accept Yourself was the card that I received. With all of the stress of balancing school and work over the last 6 months, it was a good reminder and a relaxing day over all that really just helped me regain my center of balance, regroup, and regain my focus on my goals. From December-March I was balancing working 35-40 hours per week in addition to attending school full time. For spring break, me and Matt ventured out west to San Diego and spent a week relaxing along the coast and spending much needed quality time together. April and May were a little more slowed down for me, I was working 16-25 hours a week at my youth counselor job, and school wasn't too hectic so it seemed like smooth sailing. Then in May I resigned from that job and started a waitressing job as summer classes started up. Trust me when I tell you that those cards sent me a much needed message. The retreat really was the re-center that I need. It was also a realization that I don't always need to work myself to the brink of exhaustion before I step back and decide to take a break. Hopefully I can remember this message in my daily life.

Self-care is something that is important for everyone, but is extremely stressed to therapists and employees of the human sciences/services fields. Self-care can mean different things for different people. The main goal of self-care is to take personal times to pursue hobbies, relaxation, spend quality time with loved ones, etc. Self-care doesn't have to be expensive, like a spa day or anything (although it is a nice splurge once in a while), and can be as simple as sitting outside journaling or sipping a coffee, tea, or lemon water. Matt likes going on walks, playing basketball, or talking to do his own self-care. I enjoy writing, watching videos, yoga, and spending time with loved ones to regain my life balance and relax.

What are some of the ways that you practice self care?

Here is the link to Carol's website if you are interested in learning about her healing arts practice or are interested in booking a massage or reading with her. She is seriously phenomenal. There are upcoming Goddess Retreats that will soon be available in coming months on her website, so be watching for those if you are nearby and are interested in attending. It is absolutely worth making the reservation for and taking a Saturday off for yourself.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Weekday Woes: Motivation and Productivity Strategies

I doubt that I am the only one who has been getting their rear end kicked by allergies this summer. It's like I just cannot get a day without a sinus headache pounding behind my eyes. Not fun. Also, not a great thing to have happen while being enrolled in full time summer classes for college and working. I tell you what, my day to day lifestyle with work, school, and whatnot keeps me busy, busy, busy. 
Here are some of the things I have tried out to keep myself on top of my never-ending to-do list and putting forth my best effort:

1. Make achievable to-do lists for day to day tasks. 
I keep a to-do list that breaks down my assignments and work schedule on a day-to-day basis. This is just through the notepad app that came on my Macbook. I put an 'x' next to things as I complete them and I also keep an excel spreadsheet with updated grades and homework due dates for each class in chronological order.

 It may sound a little OCD but once I tackle my to-do list for the day I can celebrate by binge watching netflix episodes, or taking a nap, or thinking about making a cleaning to-do list (not likely). I try to do the majority of my homework/task work Monday-Wednesday that way Thursday-Sunday leaves time for working shifts, spending time with Matt, family or friends, and relaxing. I think it is super important to designate time to relax within your week, just so you don't get burnt out. It's also important to make sure that the goals you set for each day are realistic. Bombarding yourself with too many things will only result in you getting overwhelmed. 

2. Get a good breakfast. 
I am a huge fan of oatmeal, granola, or eggs and toast in the morning to start my day. I'm not much of a coffee drinker and so I usually stick to orange juice or water in the morning. I know they always harped on us in grade school how important it is to get a good breakfast in the morning, and finally at the age of 22 I understand what they were trying to get at. I function so much "better" in the morning if I've had breakfast. Less groggy, don't get that starving tummy grumbling at 10:30, so on.

3. Go for a run/walk/jog
Nothing gets your blood pumping quit like exercise. It gives you a boost of endorphins (happy brain chemicals) in the morning, and you get to take a nice well-earned shower afterwards before starting your day. 

4. Avoid technology for the first hour that you are awake
This is something that I recently read on another blog post that I want to start trying out. I can't remember which, since there's so many different ones out there that I read. However, the blogger stated that starting your day off without technology actually motivates you more in the morning since you are not overwhelmed by this information on social media and that information on social media. Talk about information overload too soon after getting (hopefully) a restful nights sleep. 

5. Aromatherapy
If you've ever glanced at the ingredients or noticed the scent of products such as Neutrogena Morning Burst face cleanser, or other citrus scented may have noticed that the smell is rather pleasant (and mood-boosting in my personal opinion). Citrus Aromas have also been associated with stress reduction, mood-boosting, anti-depressant, cognitive performance boosters, etc. 

Some common essential oils and their associations are listed below: 
Grapefruit: curb depression, enhance memory, boost metabolism and reduce food cravings
Lemon balm: improve cognitive performance and mood
Mandarin: reduced stress, improved digestion and lessened nausea

6. Positive Self-Affirmations 
Starting your day on a positive note by complimenting yourself or giving yourself credit for working hard to achieve something isn't just something to get your day motivated. It is something that creates a healthy positive habit and is a great basis for boosting your self esteem. Many times, you are your biggest critic. I am all too familiar with my imperfections and know firsthand that I am, by far, my biggest critic. I try not to let this hinder my day and choose to focus on more of the positive things rather than things I have little to no control over. Self-love is a great way to start your day and a great way to live your life. 
See the video below for some inspiration if needed. :)

Jessica's "Daily Affirmations"

Hopefully you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Next weekend I am going home for a "Goddess Retreat" that my best friend's mom is doing. I'm really looking forward to it, and will definitely be making a post next Monday with all the details of it! Wishing you the best week ahead, 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Favorites - Mandalas in Art Therapy

Colored Mandalas
The more and more that I begin to look into the different realms of focus in psychological therapy the more and more I see the appearance of mandalas. They've become more popular in pop culture and I notice that many people around me have created mandalas of their own and gotten them tattooed.

Mandalas are a very positive and beautiful thing, especially when created by the individual. The mandala is meant to represent life, the universe, the individual, literally everything. The best part of mandalas? They are whole. They are a reflection of their creator, and they are absolutely beautiful.
Their use in Art Therapy is very interesting! From what I have gathered, they are used in Art therapy to help a client to define what they think makes them, "them". They can be vibrant with colors, or elegantly drawn in black and white. There are no limitations to what they can be, or what they contain.

I have loved the intricacy of mandalas since I was a little girl. I remember having felt-art as a young girl and coloring in mandalas with bright colors and hanging them on my bedroom walls. I loved the complexity of them and the beauty that they contained. My plan over the weekend is to create my own mandala and I'll upload it to this post by the end of the weekend. Feel free to create your own mandala and share with me in the comments section or through twitter: @ThePsych_Spot

Here are some Mandalas that have already been created and uploaded for coloring:

Get your Mandala coloring pages here:

More information about Mandalas and their use in Art Therapy:

Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Welcome to The Psychology Spot

Hello there! My name is Kate and I am currently a college student at Iowa State University pursuing my undergraduate degree in psychology and child, family, and adult services. I'm really excited about everything the future holds!! Some random things about favorite colors are mint green and royal purple. I enjoy watching the Chicago Bulls play. I was born in Texas. I would love to live along the west coast. San Diego is my favorite vacation spot. My favorite meal is mashed potatoes, corn and baked ham. Blueberry Morning is by far, the best breakfast cereal EVER. I really want to get a teddy bear dog (Great Pyrenees, see picture below). And name him Max.


I decided to start this blog to reach out and express my opinions and knowledge about different things within the psychology world. I have a lot of personal goals for myself in terms of psychology, which include branding myself as a therapist, pursuing a career in private practice, and eventually opening a practice of my own. I have spent a lot of time researching different options in terms of a career and am deciding between counseling and clinical psychology. We'll see which path I decide on!

Some of my favorite things to do in my spare time are reading, baking, spending time with my boyfriend, Matt, dad, brother, and friends, sudoku, and Pinterest. It's likely that I will post about the books I am reading, or movies I have seen recently. If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments section below!

Happy Thursday!! 

"Psychology is much bigger than just medicine, or fixing unhealthy things. It's about education, work, marriage - it's even about sports. What I want to do is see psychologists working to help people build strengths in all these domains." - Martin Seligman